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Laboratory Medicine 2024

About Conference



Welcome to the 18th International Conference on Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

November 26-27, 2024 | Paris, France

Dear colleagues and esteemed participants,

We are thrilled to invite you to the 18th International Conference on Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, set to take place in the historic city of Paris, France, on November 26-27, 2024. As we convene for this prestigious event, we look forward to fostering collaborations, sharing groundbreaking research, and advancing the field of pathology and laboratory medicine.

Conference Theme:

Advancements in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: Bridging Innovation and Practice

Why Attend?

Cutting-Edge Research: Immerse yourself in the latest research and developments in the field of pathology and laboratory medicine. Engage with thought leaders and experts who are shaping the future of diagnostics and patient care.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, clinicians, researchers, and industry professionals from around the globe. Forge new partnerships, exchange ideas, and build collaborations that can accelerate your career and research endeavors.

Educational Workshops: Participate in hands-on workshops and interactive sessions to enhance your skills and knowledge. Gain insights into emerging techniques, technologies, and best practices.

Keynote Speakers: Hear from world-renowned keynote speakers who will share their insights and expertise. Gain a fresh perspective on the challenges and opportunities in the field.

Publication Opportunities: Present your research findings and contribute to the body of knowledge in pathology and laboratory medicine. Selected papers will have the opportunity for publication in reputable journals.

Call for Abstracts:

We invite researchers, practitioners, and academicians to submit their abstracts for oral or poster presentations. Share your research findings, case studies, and innovative solutions with a global audience. Submission details and deadlines can be found on our website.

Conference Highlights:

Scientific Sessions: Engage in thought-provoking discussions on a wide range of topics including molecular pathology, clinical diagnostics, digital pathology, and emerging trends in laboratory medicine.

Poster Sessions: Showcase your research through interactive poster presentations. Receive valuable feedback from your peers and experts.

Workshops: Participate in practical workshops to enhance your skills and knowledge in various aspects of pathology and laboratory medicine.

Exhibition: Explore the latest advancements in laboratory equipment, diagnostic tools, and services in our vibrant exhibition hall. Interact with leading industry players and discover cutting-edge solutions.

Social Events: Enjoy networking opportunities at our social events, including the Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner, where you can connect with fellow attendees in a relaxed atmosphere.


Paris, with its rich history and vibrant culture, provides an ideal backdrop for our conference. Explore iconic landmarks, museums, and the diverse culinary scene that the city has to offer.

Join us in Paris for the 18th International Conference on Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Together, we will bridge innovation and practice to advance the field and improve patient care. Register today and be a part of this transformative event.

For inquiries, sponsorship opportunities, and registration details, contact our organizing committee at

We look forward to welcoming you to Paris in November 2024 for an inspiring and informative conference that promises to be a milestone in the field of pathology and laboratory medicine.

Scientific Sessions

Session 1: Molecular Pathology Advances

Session 2: Clinical Diagnostics and Laboratory Testing

Session 3: Digital Pathology and Artificial Intelligence

Session 4: Precision Medicine in Pathology

Session 5: Hematopathology and Hematologic Disorders

Session 6: Cancer Pathology and Oncogenomics

Session 7: Neuropathology: From Bench to Bedside

Session 8: Immunohistochemistry and Immunopathology

Session 9: Infectious Disease Pathology

Session 10: Genomic Medicine and Personalized Therapeutics

Session 11: Cytopathology: Current Trends and Innovations

Session 12: Pediatric Pathology and Developmental Disorders

Session 13: Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology

Session 14: Cardiovascular Pathology

Session 15: Renal and Urinary Tract Pathology

Session 16: Endocrine and Thyroid Pathology

Session 17: Pulmonary and Respiratory Pathology

Session 18: Dermatopathology: Skin Disorders and Pathogenesis

Session 19: Pathology of Musculoskeletal Disorders

Session 20: Pathology of Reproductive Systems

Session 21: Ophthalmic Pathology and Vision Science

Session 22: Pathology of Aging and Geriatric Medicine

Session 23: Forensic Pathology and Legal Medicine

Session 24: Laboratory Management and Quality Assurance

Session 25: Clinical Chemistry and Biomarker Discovery

Session 26: Hematology and Coagulation Disorders

Session 27: Transfusion Medicine and Blood Banking

Session 28: Molecular Diagnostics and Next-Generation Sequencing

Session 29: Pathology Informatics and Data Analytics

Session 30: Emerging Technologies in Laboratory Medicine

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 26-27, 2024

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Molecular and Genetic Medicine Journal of Plant Physiology & Pathology Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by