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Christoph Hiemenz

Ruprecht Karls-University Heielberg, Europe


Christoph Hiemenz has completed his MSc from Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg. He work as a bioinformatician at PEPperPRINT GmbH and is the scientific instructor of the iGEM Team Heidelberg 2019. He has worked on diverse research projects: -DKFZ Heidelberg, Prof. Jörg Hoheisel- Kinase activity profiling with peptide arrays -BioQuant Heidelberg, Prof. Roland Eils/Prof. Barbara Di Ventura- Optogenetic nuclear protein shutteling and ODE modeling -KTH Stockholm, Prof. Stefan Ståhl – Surface functionalization of E.coli cells via sortases and inteins - EMBL Heidelberg, Dr. Carsten Schultz- Bioactivity of trifunctional Sphingolipids -IPMB Heidelberg, Prof. Andres Jäschke- Multivalent fluorescent turn-on probes for RNA imaging.


Abstract : Application of modular chemoenzymatic conjugation strategies for the semi-rational engineering of biologicals